How to choose the right hearing aid
An electronic or battery powered device which assists individuals with impaired hearing to hear clearly is known as a hearing aid. These devices are created to enhance sounds in a person’s ears in both quiet and noisy surroundings.
In order to choose the right hearing aids, you need to consider several factors including the degree of hearing loss and cause of hearing loss. Once you have visited a doctor and determined the cause of hearing loss, it will be easier to choose a hearing aid, based on their diagnosis.
There are several types of hearing aids available in the market today, however, each type is designed differently to meet different requirements of individuals who will be using them.
Behind the ear
Behind-the-ear or BTE is a type of hearing aids made up of two main parts. It has a hard case which is worn on the outside or behind the ear, and an ear mould made of plastic, which is placed inside your outer ear. All of its electronic components are placed in the hard case out your ear and once it perceives any sounds it will convert them into vibrations which are then passed through the ear mould into your ear. This type of hearing aid can be used by individuals of all ages who are suffering from minor to major hearing loss.
Modified BTE
There is a new type of hearing aid, which basically looks and functions like BTE systems but is somewhat different from them. The regular BTE hearing aids often make you feel as if your own sound if being muffled, which leads you to shout or talk loudly making you believe that even others are unable to hear your voice properly just like you are.
This modified system was created to remove this blocked sensation and also to allow ears to remain clean. For some individuals, when they use the regular BTE hearing aids, ear wax starts accumulating in their ears. This modified BTE’s behind the ear part remains same. Instead of an ear mouldthere is a slim pipe leading into the ear canal, which transports these vibrations.
In ear
In ear hearing aids are smaller in size as they are meant to be placed inside your outer ear.This type of devices are not meant for children as with age the size of their ear increases and therefore the device size needs to be changed.
Some in-ear hearing aids consists of a telecoil, which makes it possible for you to hear clearly when speaking on the phone and also when you are around speakers used in public facilities like schools.
Canal aids
Canal aids are systems which are almost invisible, since they are placed in your ear canal. You should choose this type only when you have moderate or mild hearing loss.
Now that you know the type of hearing aid available based on their structure, you can easily choose one based on your doctor’s advice.After you put it on, if you are still unable to hear well, you must contact a medical professional or customer service.