Hearing-Kolkata's blog

What are the top hearing aid brands?

Truthfully, purchasing a hearing aid is not easy, as you cannot simply go online and place an orderonline.You need to look into the brand which has created these hearing aids, so that you can determine whether they are suitable for your needs and if they are worth the investment.

You cannot just choose any hearing solution from any random brand, because these devices which run on batteries are placed in, around or close to one of the most sensitive parts of your body.

How to choose the right hearing aid

An electronic or battery powered device which assists individuals with impaired hearing to hear clearly is known as a hearing aid. These devices are created to enhance sounds in a person’s ears in both quiet and noisy surroundings. 

In order to choose the right hearing aids, you need to consider several factors including the degree of hearing loss and cause of hearing loss. Once you have visited a doctor and determined the cause of hearing loss, it will be easier to choose a hearing aid, based on their diagnosis.

Why Do You Need Hearing Aids for Senior Citizens?

Loud noise, aging, illness, and genetic variations are all common causes of hearing loss. Hearing loss affects about one-third of older adults, and as people age, their likelihood of developing it rises. Conversations with friends and family members can be challenging for those who have hearing loss. Additionally, they might have difficulty hearing doorbells and alarms, understanding medical advice, and reacting to warnings.

Key Takeaways

Hearing loss - Different types


Losing the ability to hear or hear properly is hearing loss. It can be resultant of various things such as constant exposure to loud sound, mishap, chemical reactions, defects during birth and last but not the least by normal process of ageing.

There are three different types of Hearing Loss:

  1. Conductive Hearing Loss
  2. Sensorineural Hearing Loss
  3. Mixed Hearing Loss

Conductive Hearing Loss:

Hearing Loss

Behind-the-Ear (BTE)
BTE instruments are used for all types of hearing loss, from mild to profound, and are perhaps the most common forms of digital hearing aids where the small device is fitted behind the ear and is connected to a plastic mold or a thin sound tube that comes down in front of the ear and directs amplified sound into the ear canal.